VAW (Vagrant Ansible WordPress) Documentation

Version 0.8.1

VAW (Vagrant Ansible WordPress) is Ansible playbooks for website developer, designer, webmaster and WordPress theme/plugin developer.

Getting Started


1. Install Virtualbox

Download the VirtualBox form and install.

2. Install Vagrant

Download the Vagrant form and install.

3. Download Ansible playbooks of the VAW

Download a Vagrantfile and Ansible playbooks from the following link.

Releases page

4. Generate SSL certificate files using mkcert

Install mkcert. See

cd vaw-x.x.x
mkcert -install
mkdir mkcert
cd mkcert
mkcert -cert-file cert.pem -key-file privke.pem <vm_hostname>

5. Launch a virtual environment

cd vaw-x.x.x
vagrant up

If you don’t have a Box at first, begins from the download of Box. After provisioning, you can launch a WordPress development environment.

6. Access to the website and the WordPress Admin

Access to the website http://vaw.local/. Access to the WordPress admin http://vaw.local/wp-admin/.

7. Access to a Vagrant machine via SSH

vagrant ssh

Or using ssh config.

vagrant ssh-config > ssh_config.cache
ssh -F ssh_config.cache default
Last updated on 3 May 2021
Published on 17 Oct 2017
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