Hugo Techdoc Theme

Version 1.0.2

put your description

Markdown Syntax


# Heading level 1
## Heading level 2
### Heading level 3
#### Heading level 4
##### Heading level 5
###### Heading level 6



Horizontal Rule



Unordered Lists

- First item
- Second item
- Third item
- Fourth item


* First item
* Second item
* Third item
* Fourth item

Ordered Lists

1. First item
2. Second item
3. Third item
4. Fourth item


puts 'The best way to log and share programmers knowledge.'
puts 'The best way to log and share programmers knowledge.'

Inline code



> this is a blockquote. this is a blockquote. this is a blockquote. this is a blockquote. this is a blockquote. this is a blockquote.
> this is a blockquote.
> this is a blockquote.
> this is a blockquote
[Hugo Techdoc Theme demo](


| header | header | header |
| Lorem      | Lorem       | Lorem        |
| ipsum      | ipsum       | ipsum        |
| dolor      | dolor       | dolor        |
| sit        | sit         | sit          |
| amet       | amet        | amet         |


![2 People Sitting With View of Yellow Flowers during Daytime](../images/pexels-photo-196666.jpeg "sample")
[![2 People Sitting With View of Yellow Flowers during Daytime](../images/pexels-photo-196666.jpeg)](

Definition Lists

First Term
: This is the definition.

Second Term
: This is the definition.
: This is the definition.

Task Lists

- [x] to do task 1
- [ ] to do task 2
- [ ] to do task 3


this is a footnote,[^1] and this is the second footnote.[^2]

[^1]: This is the first footnote.
[^2]: This is the second footnote.
Last updated on 17 Nov 2020
Published on 17 Nov 2020
 Edit on GitHub